Presentations from the Brno workshop

The BigSkyEarth workshop in Brno was a success as many new ideas for collaborations emerged from the meeting. Here we publish presentations given at the meeting.
The Book of Abstracts, with suggestions for a possible collaborative work, is available here.
These are presentations given at the workshop:
- Funding opportunities for BigSkyEarth projects
Darko Jevremovic - Experience from H2020 Proposals (a personal assessment)
Gottfried Schwarz - Application of Signal Processing on networks for Big Data problems
Ognyan Kounchev - Consequences of meteoroid impacts based on atmospheric trajectory analysis
Maria Gritsevich - Transient events in LSST survey data
Jovan Aleksić - Detection and classification of transient astronomical objects in real time using complex event processing
Veljko Vujčić - Application of remote sensing data to environmental monitoring, assessment and planning
Ana Jurjević, Josip Križan - The Digitized Markarian Survey and the Armenian Virtual Observatory
Areg M. Mickaelian - Machine Learning, spectra, GPU, Cloud
Petr Škoda - An unmanned airship platform for remote sensing and astronomy applications
Bojan Pečnik - Storage and indexing of point cloud data
Bianca Schoen-Phelan - Physical Interpretation of big optical dana from planetary and terrestrial surfaces
Jouni Peltoniemi - VLF Data Acquisition and database storing
Vladimir Sreckovic - Flexible, scalable, standards-based services on spatio-temporal datacubes
Peter Baumann - Mining meteorological information from EO data and Numerical Weather Models simulations
Giovanni Nico - The Gothard Datascope project
Gyula M Szabó - Simulations of galaxy formation in the era of Gaia
Victor Debattista - Interactive rich-media data visualization for the masses
Dejan Vinković - Deep Learning methods for satellite enhanced high fidelity pastureland
Robert Ross - Cloud computing application for water resources based on open source software and open standards – a prototype
Blagoj Delipetrev - Image processing and analysis for sky and earth observation
Sven Loncaric