Conference Grants
Conference Grants are aimed at supporting PhD students and ECI researchers from Inclusiveness Target Countries to attend international science and technology related conferences not specifically organised by the COST Action.
Building collaborations – report from the BigSkyEarth meeting in Helsinki
The main topic of the BigSkyEarth meeting in Helsinki on 10-11 October, 2016, at the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute and co-organized by the University of Helsinki, Department of Physics, was preparation of the ITN proposals and how to boost collaborative work within BigSkyEarth network. The meeting was a success as three trans-disciplinary collaborative groups emerged working on joint proposals: Hyperspectral Imaging; Engaging Mobile Data to Strengthen Disaster Resilience in Europe; Meteor Atmospheric Plasma Light Emission Each group...
read morePresentations from the BigSkyEarth conference
The BigSkyEarth conference in Sorrento, Italy, addressed the question of how to train a new generation of astronomy and Earth observation scientists in the age of interdisciplinarity driven by big data. Modern data-intensive research requires natural science students trained in software engineering, algorithms, and data mining, data management and visualization. These trends challenge the current paradigm of what constitutes education in astronomy or Earth observation. Big data trends in modern astronomy and Earth observation make those...
read moreWG2 and 4 Meeting in Finland
The WG2&4 Meeting will take place in Masala, Finland (close to Helsinki) on 10-11 October. 2016, at the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute and co-organized by the University of Helsinki, Department of Physics. The main topic of the meeting is preparation of the ITN proposals and how to boost collaborative work within BigSkyEarth network. During the WG1&3 meeting in Bucharest, we converged on three topics for the Innovative Training Networks call: Hyperspectral Imaging in Remote Sensing and Astronomy Engaging Mobile Data to Increase...
read moreData preservation in the age of Big Data
PERICLES does not want to invent another preservation system. It wants to understand how to realise a world where preservation policies – human-defined, human-understandable policies – can shape and change a model of preservation that must, consequently, be implemented in a dynamic architecture with no reliance on any particular (implementation of any particular) computational component. The PERICLES (Promoting and Enhancing Reuse of Information throughout the Content Lifecycle taking account of Evolving Semantics) consortium is composed...
read moreBigSkyEarth Conference – Education in Big Data Era
The BigSkyEarth conference in Sorrento, Italy, on October 24&25, 2016, will address the question of how to train a new generation of astronomy and Earth observation scientists in the age of interdisciplinarity driven by big data.
read moreMaterial from the 1st BigSkyEarth Training School – Oberpfaffenhofen 2016
Presentations and Jupyter Notebooks from the Oberpfaffenhofen school available online
read moreWG1 and WG3 Meeting in Bucharest
The WG1&3 Meeting will take place in Bucharest (Romania) on 4-5 July. 2016, at the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications and Information Technology. The local organizer is the CEOSpaceTech Research Center.The meeting will coincide with the summer school on quantum optics and quantum imaging, also organized by CEOSpaceTech. We will share some lectures with the school. More information on the venue location and possible accommodation is shown below, together with the registration form. BigSkyEarth will reimburse at least 15 of...
read moreThe fourth call for Short Term Scientific Missions
This is a call for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) within BigSkyEarth COST Action. Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) are exchange visits aimed at supporting individual mobility, strengthening existing networks and fostering collaboration between researchers. A STSM should specifically contribute to the scientific objectives of the COST Action, whilst at the same time allowing those partaking in the missions to learn new techniques, gain access to specific data, instruments and/or methods not available in their own...
read moreReport from the first Training School
The Training School gathered 33 trainees from 14 countries with expert instructors from Europe and the US for hands-on training on Big Data analytics.
read morePresentations from the Brno workshop
The BigSkyEarth workshop in Brno was a success as many new ideas for collaborations emerged from the meeting. Here we publish presentations given at the meeting.
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