Report from the first Training School

The 1st BigSkyEarth Training School was held in the Institute for Remote Sensing Methodology at the German Aerospace Center DLR Oberpfaffenhofen in Germany.
Read MorePresentations from the Brno workshop

The BigSkyEarth workshop in Brno was a success as many new ideas for collaborations emerged from the meeting. Here we publish presentations given at the meeting.
Read MoreBigSkyEarth Workshop in Brno

BigSkyEarth COST Action organizes its first workshop, with the topic “Research Matchmaking – Building Bridges Between Disciplines“, in Brno, Czech Republic, on April 14-16, 2016. The workshop participants will have an opportunity to present their research in astroinformatics, geoinformatics, Big Data, data visualization or Big Data outreach, suggest how to expand their work into larger collaborations and seek potential research partners among the workshop participants.
Read MoreOpen positions related to the LSST Data Management at the University of Washington
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) project is a 10-year survey of the sky that will deliver a 200 petabyte set of images and data products. Its Data Management team has postdoc and research staff positions open at the University of Washington:
Read MorePhD position: Content Merge from Crowd-Sourced Spatial Information
Content Merge from Crowd-Sourced Spatial Information
Dr. Bianca Schoen-‐Phelan
Application Deadline: 11 January 2016
Application Documents: Academic CV, Cover letter, any other documents that the applicant considers relevant
Start Date: February 2016
Application Method: Email to [email protected]