WG1 and WG3 Meeting in Bucharest
The WG1&3 Meeting will take place in Bucharest (Romania) on 4-5 July. 2016, at the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications and Information Technology. The local organizer is the CEOSpaceTech Research Center.The meeting will coincide with the summer school on quantum optics and quantum imaging, also organized by CEOSpaceTech. We will share some lectures with the school.
More information on the venue location and possible accommodation is shown below, together with the registration form. BigSkyEarth will reimburse at least 15 of people (from BigSkyEarth COST participating countries) for this WG meeting (more if funding allows). To register for the meeting follow this link HERE. With this registration you also apply for funding (application time for refunding has expired).
The WG meeting will try primarily to focus on several topics that emerged so far (other topic are also welcome):
- possibilities for putting together joint proposals for European Training Network (the deadline is in January 2017) – if you have interest to participate in such an effort, please submit your ideas in the registration form.
- a group of BigSkyEarth members started working on ideas how to improve research on meteor phenomena from Astro- and Geo-physics perspective and to transform it into a Big Data science. If you are interested to join this collaboration, indicate it in the registration form.
- another joint topic that emerged is creating a science case for a stratospheric research platform – an airship that would carry a stable payload platform for Astro- and Geo-experiments at 20km altitude. If you are interested to discuss this effort at the meeting, please propose in the registration form ideas about its possible science usage.
The Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications and Information Technology is located HERE.
K+K Hotel Elisabet
Intercontinental Hotel Bucharest
Ramada Bucharest Majestic Hotel