Data preservation in the age of Big Data

PERICLES does not want to invent another preservation system. It wants to understand how to realise a world where preservation policies – human-defined, human-understandable policies – can shape and change a model of preservation that must, consequently, be implemented in a dynamic architecture with no reliance on any particular (implementation of any particular) computational component.
The PERICLES (Promoting and Enhancing Reuse of Information throughout the Content Lifecycle taking account of Evolving Semantics) consortium is composed essentially of IT partners with B.USOC as partner for the space case and the Tate Gallery for a media case.
The PERICLES consortium is composed essentially of IT partners with B.USOC as partner for the space case and the Tate Gallery for a media case.
B.USOC uses cases in space and earth science to exemplify the PERICLES concept and tools:
- PERICLES project uses SOLAR on the ISS as its main space case as well as other space experiments on earth observation..
- PERICLES has made the inventory of the available SOLAR data; these data include all documents produced during SOLAR operations, ancillary data and the entire science data stream. PERICLES will also include the scientific data and products derived by the Principal Investigators from the raw data which B.USOC transfers to their Users Home Bases.
- The final objective of PERICLES is to make this data set reusable independently of both B.USOC and the current science teams.
- Final demonstration of the PERICLES tools for space data will be on the METEOSAT cloud optical thickness data which are fully available in agreement with the METEOSAT data policy.
- PERICLES deviates from the OAIS (Open Archiving Information System) standard model by using the LRM (Linked Resource Model), this model allows greater flexibility and can accommodate semantic change and new science objectives, it is thus preparing the concept of an Advanced Data Management Plan for the future exploration programme of ESA.
Much more is to be seen on the project site: http://www.pericles-project.